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Category: Corporate

Use for anything about the Victims Commissioner as an organisation, including appointments, annual reports, financial reporting, etc.

Anti-social behaviour: living a nightmare


Anti-social behaviour (ASB) is often treated as ‘low-level crime’ or even as sub-criminal but its impact can be deeply injurious and it is often targeted against people who are vulnerable already. It is high time tackling ASB became a top priority for government.

A vision for victims – participants, not bystanders


How have we got to the position where victims find their treatment by the criminal justice system to be worse than the crime itself? We urgently need an entire change of culture in how the justice system sees, hears and helps victims.

The Victims’ Bill – an opportunity to revolutionise how victims are treated


In her 2021/22 Annual Report, Dame Vera Baird looks to the changes the Victims' Bill needs to usher in.

The police must embed a zero-tolerance policy against sexism and racism within their ranks


In her 2021/22 Annual Report, Dame Vera Baird reflects on the state of policing of violence against women and girls (VAWG).

Enormous court backlogs mean victims of crime are facing years of unacceptable delay in their quest for justice


In her 2021/22 Annual Report, Dame Vera Baird reflects on the challenges facing victims and the justice system.

Fraud: the poor relation?


Fraud has reached epidemic proportions and its scale is truly staggering. Yet you wouldn't know it judging by the criminal justice system's response.

The distressing truth is that if you are raped in Britain today, your chances of seeing justice are slim


In her 2021/22 Annual Report, Dame Vera Baird reflects on the investigation and prosecution of rape in England and Wales.

“Enormous” court backlogs represent “a serious and fundamental challenge to our justice system” – Victims’ Commissioner


Dame Vera Baird publishes her annual report reflecting on her first term as Victims’ Commissioner and the challenges facing victims and the justice system.

Dame Vera Baird to apply for second term as Victims’ Commissioner


Dame Vera Baird has announced her "firm intention" to stand for a second term as Victims' Commissioner, as the government launches an open recruitment process.