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News stories older than October 2020 can be viewed on the National Archive.

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152 articles

Statement – London Stalking Review 2024

Baroness Newlove: "Although this report focuses on London, I suspect similar issues plague police forces nationwide, making many of these recommendations relevant on a national level."

Statement — Victims’ Commissioner responds NPCC ‘National Policing Statement’ (VAWG)

Baroness Newlove calls for government to develop robust strategies to tackle tech-enabled VAWG, such as AI deepfakes.

Statement – Victims’ Commissioner responds to HMICFRS ‘State of Policing’ report

Too many victims of crime are still being let down by police who are failing to get the basics right, the chief inspector of constabulary has said in his annual report.

Statement – Victims’ Commissioner responds to the Baird Inquiry into Greater Manchester Police custody practices

Baroness Newlove: “These findings are truly concerning.”

Statement – Victims’ Commissioner responds to early release announcement

Baroness Newlove: "The justice system faces immense pressure, demanding difficult choices. Yet, victim safety must never be compromised."

BLOG: National Stalking Awareness Week: Delivering a victim-centred, collaborative approach to tackling stalking 

To mark National Stalking Awareness Week, Victims' Commissioner Baroness Newlove highlights the importance of centring the victim and working collaboratively when tackling stalking.

Statement – Baroness Newlove welcomes moves to better protect victims’ counselling records

BLOG: Victims of persistent anti-social behaviour need more support

In a compelling account, the Victims' Commissioner Baroness Newlove sets out why more needs to be done to support victims of anti-social behaviour.

New Victims Bill measures a ‘solid step forward’, but further progress needed — Victims’ Commissioner

While many of the revisions are welcome and in line with campaigning by the Victims' Commissioner, Baroness Newlove hopes to see further progress in the coming weeks.

Statement – Crown Court backlog hits another record high

Baroness Newlove: "No victim should be expected to wait years before their case gets to court. As we can see from the victim attrition statistics, justice delayed all too often is becoming justice denied."