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Topic: Corporate

Fraud: the poor relation?

Fraud has reached epidemic proportions and its scale is truly staggering. Yet you wouldn't know it judging by the criminal justice system's response.

The distressing truth is that if you are raped in Britain today, your chances of seeing justice are slim

In her 2021/22 Annual Report, Dame Vera Baird reflects on the investigation and prosecution of rape in England and Wales.

“Enormous” court backlogs represent “a serious and fundamental challenge to our justice system” – Victims’ Commissioner

Dame Vera Baird publishes her annual report reflecting on her first term as Victims’ Commissioner and the challenges facing victims and the justice system.

Dame Vera Baird to apply for second term as Victims’ Commissioner

Dame Vera Baird has announced her "firm intention" to stand for a second term as Victims' Commissioner, as the government launches an open recruitment process.

Dame Vera Baird publishes her second annual report: “It has without doubt been an eventful year for victims and witnesses”

"This is a fascinating and challenging role, which I am privileged to have. Much has been done and much remains to be achieved."

Victims’ Commissioner announces new CEO

Katie Kempen will take up post as Chief Executive Officer at the Office of the Victims’ Commissioner from June 2021

Victims’ Commissioner seeks new Chief Executive Officer

Applications are open for the role of CEO of the Office of the Victims’ Commissioner. Closing date 5 February 2021.