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Statement – Victims’ Commissioner responds to HMICFRS ‘State of Policing’ report

Too many victims of crime are still being let down by police who are failing to get the basics right, the chief inspector of constabulary has said in his annual report.

Statement – Angiolini Inquiry Part 1

Operation Bluestone Soteria survey on victim experiences of reporting to the police

Operation Bluestone Soteria is inviting victims of rape and other sexual offences to take part in a survey of the victim's experience of the police investigation and criminal justice process.

New victim privacy safeguards come into force

A new law standardising how and when the police can lawfully extract information from electronic devices takes effect.

Policing watchdogs’ super-complaint on police-perpetrated domestic abuse a “missed opportunity”

Dame Vera Baird QC said the report's conclusions "fall short" as she continued to press for the establishment of a national policing protocol.

Criminal justice system continues to fail rape victims

"We are now not short on recommendations. Ultimately, the problems in investigating and prosecuting rapes are plain and clear and it is drive and leadership to bring fundamental change on the ground that is now urgently needed."