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Topic: Victims in the justice system

The distressing truth is that if you are raped in Britain today, your chances of seeing justice are slim

In her 2021/22 Annual Report, Dame Vera Baird reflects on the investigation and prosecution of rape in England and Wales.

Victims’ Commissioner launches new Victims’ Survey

Dame Vera Baird calls for victims to share their views of the criminal justice system.

Impact of online abuse and harassment revealed in new research from the Victims’ Commissioner

New research from the Victims’ Commissioner, Dame Vera Baird QC, brings into sharp focus the impact online abuse has on its victims.

“Enormous” court backlog takes “tremendous tolls” on victims

The Victims' Commissioner reacts to the latest criminal court statistics, which show "enormous" court backlogs are leaving victims waiting on average 436 days for their case to come to court.

Home Secretary to make tackling violence against women and girls a national policing priority

Dame Vera Baird warmly welcomes move by the Home Secretary, which she brands "game-changing".

Criminal justice system continues to fail rape victims

"We are now not short on recommendations. Ultimately, the problems in investigating and prosecuting rapes are plain and clear and it is drive and leadership to bring fundamental change on the ground that is now urgently needed."

Rape offences recorded by police increase to new annual high

Dame Vera Baird said most worrying was Home Office data showing 30 per cent of victims withdrew reports of rape within three months, suggesting their experience had been so bad and traumatic that they could not go through with the prosecution.

Policing needs a ‘180-degree culture change’ to lead the fight against VAWG | Speech to APCC & NPCC Joint Partnership Summit 2021

To mark the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, we publish the full transcript of the Victims' Commissioner's speech to police earlier this year, where Dame Vera Baird urged policing to lead the way on much-needed cultural change.

Rape victims are waiting more than a year for cases to go to trial, making prosecution targets a ‘pipe-dream’

New quarterly Crown Prosecution Service data shows that in the last 12 months just 41 extra suspects were charged compared with the year before.

New cross-system approach needed to end epidemic of violence against women and girls

Dame Vera Baird endorses HMICFRS call for urgent and fundamental cross-system change to tackle an epidemic of violence against women and girls.