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Topic: Victims in the justice system

Statement – Victims’ Commissioner responds to HMICFRS ‘State of Policing’ report

Too many victims of crime are still being let down by police who are failing to get the basics right, the chief inspector of constabulary has said in his annual report.

‘A wake-up call’: New survey shines spotlight on poor treatment of victims

Victims’ Commissioner publishes 2022 Victim Survey results as she prepares to address the House of Lords in response to the King’s Speech.

New victim privacy safeguards come into force

A new law standardising how and when the police can lawfully extract information from electronic devices takes effect.

Statement on Criminal Bar Association industrial action

Statement on the broadcast of Crown Court sentencing remarks

Crown Court sentencing remarks to be broadcast for first time.

Record number of reported rapes means modest CPS progress is not enough

Victims' Commissioner challenges new Prime Minister to commit to deliver on the government's rape review.

Policing watchdogs’ super-complaint on police-perpetrated domestic abuse a “missed opportunity”

Dame Vera Baird QC said the report's conclusions "fall short" as she continued to press for the establishment of a national policing protocol.

A vision for victims – participants, not bystanders

How have we got to the position where victims find their treatment by the criminal justice system to be worse than the crime itself? We urgently need an entire change of culture in how the justice system sees, hears and helps victims.

The police must embed a zero-tolerance policy against sexism and racism within their ranks

In her 2021/22 Annual Report, Dame Vera Baird reflects on the state of policing of violence against women and girls (VAWG).

Enormous court backlogs mean victims of crime are facing years of unacceptable delay in their quest for justice

In her 2021/22 Annual Report, Dame Vera Baird reflects on the challenges facing victims and the justice system.