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Topic: Victims’ Law

‘A wake-up call’: New survey shines spotlight on poor treatment of victims

Victims’ Commissioner publishes 2022 Victim Survey results as she prepares to address the House of Lords in response to the King’s Speech.

Anti-social behaviour: living a nightmare

Anti-social behaviour (ASB) is often treated as ‘low-level crime’ or even as sub-criminal but its impact can be deeply injurious and it is often targeted against people who are vulnerable already. It is high time tackling ASB became a top priority for government.

A vision for victims – participants, not bystanders

How have we got to the position where victims find their treatment by the criminal justice system to be worse than the crime itself? We urgently need an entire change of culture in how the justice system sees, hears and helps victims.

The Victims’ Bill – an opportunity to revolutionise how victims are treated

In her 2021/22 Annual Report, Dame Vera Baird looks to the changes the Victims' Bill needs to usher in.

Victims’ Bill holds promise but falls short in key areas, says Victims’ Commissioner

New draft legislation published by the justice secretary Dominic Raab will give victims more support in their pursuit of justice – but the Victims' Commissioner warns that more work is required to make significant change.

Have your say: the Victims’ Law consultation

Running until 3 February 2022, the Ministry of Justice consultation is now open to the public and seeks to understand how victims can be better supported through and beyond the criminal justice process across England and Wales.

Victims’ Commissioner urges new Justice Secretary to push on with Victims Bill consultation

"It is the right time to listen to victims and meet their needs to enable the criminal justice system to recover, thrive and improve," says Dame Vera as she welcomes Dominic Raab into post.

Victims Law: Victims must be participants in the justice system – not onlookers

In her 2020/21 Annual Report, Dame Vera Baird sets our her vision for reconceptualising the status of victims in the forthcoming Victims Bill.

BLOG: We have the chance to ensure victims’ rights are clearly upheld in law

The Victims' Commissioner welcomes the commitment to consult on new victims' legislation and says "the clock is ticking" for all criminal justice agencies to deliver on the rights in the new Victims’ Code.

Use new Victims Law to transform victims’ rights and reposition victims as participants – not bystanders – in our justice system, says Victims’ Commissioner

Victims’ Commissioner publishes new paper setting out her ambitions for long-awaited Victims’ Law and calls for criminal justice agencies to be more accountable and for victims to be accorded “participants’ rights".