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Topic: Victims’ voices

Victims’ Commissioner launches new anti-social behaviour survey

Baroness Newlove invites victims to participate in a fresh survey exploring their experiences of anti-social behaviour.

‘A wake-up call’: New survey shines spotlight on poor treatment of victims

Victims’ Commissioner publishes 2022 Victim Survey results as she prepares to address the House of Lords in response to the King’s Speech.

Operation Bluestone Soteria survey on victim experiences of reporting to the police

Operation Bluestone Soteria is inviting victims of rape and other sexual offences to take part in a survey of the victim's experience of the police investigation and criminal justice process.

Victims’ Commissioner launches new Victims’ Survey

Dame Vera Baird calls for victims to share their views of the criminal justice system.

Impact of online abuse and harassment revealed in new research from the Victims’ Commissioner

New research from the Victims’ Commissioner, Dame Vera Baird QC, brings into sharp focus the impact online abuse has on its victims.

Victims’ Commissioner launches new survey of victims of online harms

Victims' Commissioner launches survey aimed at capturing the lived experience of victims of online harmful and abusive behaviours in England and Wales.

BLOG: It’s time to wake up and listen to the victims of adult grooming and sexual exploitation

The Victims' Commissioner, Dame Vera Baird, shares her reflections on the need for government to recognise and address sexual exploitation of adult women.

New survey reveals low victim confidence, as Victims’ Commissioner warns victims remain an “afterthought”

Victims are losing faith in the criminal justice system according to a new survey of victims, which suggests less than half of victims would report to the police again based on their experience of the justice system.

BLOG: Anti-social behaviour and the hidden harms in our communities

Although there has been little coverage in the press, we know there has been a surge in anti-social behaviour over the past 9 months.

Victims’ Commissioner joins calls to give Victims a Voice at Inquests

I am working with the Right Reverend Sir James Jones, formerly Bishop of Liverpool who led the Hillsborough Independent Panel and is the author of the report ‘The patronising disposition of unaccountable power’ setting out the experiences of how the authorities treated the victims and families of the Hillsborough Disaster.