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The Home Office needs to offer a separate strategy for developing the rights and support services for men and boys who are victims of interpersonal violence of a physical or sexual nature.
"It is the right time to listen to victims and meet their needs to enable the criminal justice system to recover, thrive and improve," says Dame Vera as she welcomes Dominic Raab into post.
Victims are losing faith in the criminal justice system according to a new survey of victims, which suggests less than half of victims would report to the police again based on their experience of the justice system.
National Road Victim Month is held annually in August to remember people that have been killed or injured on our roads. To mark the month, Dame Vera Baird blogs on the specialist support needs of road crash victims.
Responding to the report's findings, the Victims' Commissioner said: "we must not set a precedent whereby defendants are able to use the stresses of lockdown as a justification or defence for killing," as she warned agencies to be "hyper-alert to any form of 'Covid blaming.'"
"To create a system that provides real protection for victims, there needs to be better effective enforcement of breaches of bail," says Victims Commissioner as she calls for breaches of pre-charge bail to be made a criminal offence.
Fraud has become the volume crime of our times — an epidemic within a pandemic. Yet you wouldn’t know it, to judge from the criminal justice system’s response.